Knowledge Hub
We have prepared great content for you
to check out, download, enjoy and learn.
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Learn the payments basics
We have prepared an introductory course that explores the essential knowledge about payments, and the technology behind that make today’s payments possible.
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Point of sale payments >
Local payment methods >
Risk management >
Dive deeper
We aim at helping you gain new insights and deeper knowledge about payment technologies, payment processing in different industries and countries, and much more.
All guides and reports >
Articles and Write-Ups
We have written several books and whitepapers to help you dive into the world of payments.
COVID-19 and payments
Everyday life, including the payments landscape has changed subtantially with the global pandemic. We have put together some resources and information that you may find helpful during these times.

Our Account managers will support you in the process of integrating Digital Payments Solutions to allow the best experience to your future Chinese Customers.